Certifications guarantee the highest quality in the automotive sector

Dec 17, 2024 | News

In the challenging automotive sector, certifications are essential to ensure superior product quality, efficient processes, and commitment with sustainability. These certifications confirm that a company meets exhaustive international standards, building trust with clients and partners.

At ILPEA Galvarplast, we understand that certifications are crucial to demonstrating our ability to meet industry expectations and fulfill legal and contractual requirements.

Key Certifications That Support Our Quality

IATF TS16949
An indispensable standard for automotive component manufacturers. It ensures the implementation of an integrated quality management system that optimizes processes, promotes continuous improvement, and minimizes defects, deviations, and waste throughout the supply chain.

ISO 14001
ISO 14001 is a globally recognized standard for environmental management systems (EMS). It provides a framework for designing and implementing EMS while improving an organization’s environmental performance. This certification validates our commitment to environmental management, reducing the ecological impact of our operations, and promoting sustainable practices.

ISO 45001
ISO 45001 is the international standard for occupational health and safety management. It was developed to mitigate factors that could cause irreparable harm to employees and organizations. This certification ensures that we prioritize workplace health and safety, creating safer environments and continuously improving our practices.

TISAX is an assessment and exchange mechanism for information security in companies. Increasingly required by major players in the automotive sector, this certification ensures the secure handling of confidential information and sensitive data.

Ecovadis Gold
Ecovadis is a platform that helps manage ESG risk and compliance. This high-level recognition endorses our sustainability performance, evaluating areas such as environmental impact, labor rights, business ethics, and responsible procurement. It significantly enhances our organization and value chain. Notably, this recognition is mandatory in Spain.

CCAP V1P and V2P
CCAP certifications are issued by an independent entity for automotive products and processes. They are mandatory to comply with the strict quality standards demanded by regulatory bodies in the Chinese market.

Our Commitment to Integral Excellence

At ILPEA Galvarplast, certifications are not just a requirement but a tool to strengthen our position as trusted partners in the automotive industry. They are an integral part of our mission to exceed customer expectations. These accreditations ensure that our products and processes meet the most demanding standards locally and globally.

Through certifications, we not only enhance our operational capabilities but also reaffirm our commitment to quality, safety, and sustainability. For ILPEA, continuous improvement is not just a goal—it is our guiding principle.

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